MARCH 2004

03/27/04 - Pottsboro - Over the past several weeks, Rick, Janina, Susan and I have been helping to remodel a home in Pottsboro, Texas. This home, near Skee and Teen, will be the future residence of Grandma and Grandpa VanNatta. So much has changed that I couldn’t possibly list it all here (at least not without boring the readers with details). However, I can tell you the house is definitely shaping up and looking better with each visit!

What Happens if I Cut This? Grout On - Grout Off

The trips to Pottsboro have been both fun and an excellent learning experience. I know I have learned quite a bit about electricity and will be able to use that knowledge in some future projects I’m planning at home.

Rick - Hard at Work Nathan Removes a Leg Teenie Didn't Miss a Spot

Once the house is near completion, the big move will begin. We’ll provide some photographs for that event as well.

The Right Tool for Every Job You Say the Pole is Too Tall?!?

- Nathan